codeList: information extracted from your GP record

This page reflects the best available information as of 12th May 2021. 

The Government intends to extract dated details (known as “events” or “coded concepts”) from the GP record of every man, woman and child in England – each associated with their NHS number, date of birth, postcode, gender and ethnicity – which includes any and all medical diagnoses (including cancer and mental health) and their complications, referrals to specialists, prescriptions, vaccinations and screening tests, family history, blood test results, body mass index and smoking/alcohol habits. Any medications you have been prescribed in the last decade will be collected, but any “coded concepts” that have ever been recorded about you will be taken unless they fall into a small list of exclusions. 

codeList is an online tool that lets you search or browse some of the information that will be extracted from your own and your family members’ GP records under the ‘GP Data for Planning and Research’ (GPDPR) specification. N.B. For any one patient, only those events that appear in their own GP record will be uploaded. We also have a long list of (just some of) the sensitive codes being extracted.

To search for all of the events or codes that could be extracted – and there are 1.4 million codes not listed below – you must use NHS Digital’s search tool alongside our short list of exclusions.

PLEASE NOTE: The next section of this page (below) may initially take a few seconds or so to load, as it contains a significant amount of information.

2 thoughts on “codeList: information extracted from your GP record

  1. Pingback: The Government Wants to Sell Your GP Medical Records – Here’s How to Opt-Out – Byline Times

  2. Pingback: NHS Digital in NHS 'data grab' - North East Bylines

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